Privacy Policy

KMEFIC has put the following privacy policy to show its commitment to the privacy of users

At KMEFIC, we understand that the confidentiality and security of the personal information that you have shared with us is important to you. That's why we have developed specific policies and practices that are designed to protect the privacy of your personal information. By opening an account with KMEFIC or by utilizing the products and services that are available through KMEFIC, you have consented to the collection and use of your personal information in accordance with the privacy policy set forth below. We encourage you to read this privacy statement carefully.

In order to provide brokerage services and in compliance with regulatory requirements, KMEFIC collects certain personal, non-public information from you. This includes information that you provide during the KMEFIC account application process (e.g., your name, e-mail address, telephone number, birth date, social security number, investment objectives, etc.), and acquired as a result of the transactions you conduct through the KMEFIC online trading ( We safeguard the confidentiality of your information in a number of ways, for example:

1)    We do not sell or license lists of our customers or the personal, non-public information that you provide to us.

2)    We restrict access to the personal, non-public information that you have shared with us to those KMEFIC employees, agents, and affiliates who need to know such information in connection with the services that KMEFIC provides to you.

3)    We maintain strict employment policies that prohibit employees who have access to your personal, non-public information from using or disclosing such information except for business purposes.

4)    We take substantial precautions to safeguard your personal, nonpublic information. For example, the KMEFIC system can be accessed only by authorized KMEFIC personal via valid user names and passwords. In addition, our Internet-based systems include security measures such as encryption and firewalls.

KMEFIC uses the personal, nonpublic information that we collect from you to service your account (e.g., to qualify you for trading the products and using the services available through the KMEFIC system and to execute and confirm your KMEFIC transactions). In doing so, we may share such information with our employees, agents, and affiliates.

We do not disclose personal, nonpublic information to individuals or entities that are not affiliated with KMEFIC, except as provided by law. For example, among other reasons we may disclose or report such information: where necessary to authorize, effect, administer, or enforce transactions that you request or authorize; to maintain and administer your account; to provide you with account confirmations, statements and records; to maintain appropriate archival records; where we believe that disclosure is required by applicable law, rules or regulations; to cooperate with law enforcement or regulatory or self-regulatory organizations; to enforce our customer and other agreements; to meet our obligations, or to protect our rights and property. If you have any questions about these policies, please contact the KMEFIC Customer Service Department at
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By signing this agreement you acknowledge that this agreement contains an optional pre-dispute arbitration clause and that you have received, read and understood the terms thereof.